Building B50 and new development MCE in Arnhem, TenneT TSO B.V.

TenneT sold its new main office, the former building B50, to TCN as part of the development of the Mariendaal Centre of Excellence (MCE). The sale was cancelled because of the bankruptcy of TCN, and TenneT remained the owner of the outdated building of about 10,000m2 against its wish.

Demands of the owner
The sale of the building

Contribution NEW NRG
Concept development and implementation of a sustainable plan for the outdated building, realising the marketing and sales proposition, active client and market approach, conducting negotiations and realising the lease transaction and cooperation agreement with DNV GL.

Next, a buyer was tendered who will take over the development risk of TenneT. So finally the negotiations with Ping Properties resulted in a successful transaction.

Full lease and sale of the project, which will have a Breaam Excellent in use label on delivery and an energy label A without any development risk for TenneT

Project scope
about 9,000m2 of office space, about 1,000m2 for a laboratory, about 200 parking places

Office, laboratory and parking
